Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Around the world in 80 breakdowns… automotive misadventures from across the globe.

This guy is my new personal hero! I haven't started reading his blog and went complete crazy with the idea of driving “Chustros” around the world! This guy is living the Chustro Dream!! The idea behind 80breakdowns blogs is as he describes in the blog: "So, from now on, every time I drive some derelict old car to an unlikely spot on the Earth’s surface, my journey will be punctuated with posts on the web describing our misadventures”. He started the trip with a Porsche 944 (Yeah… You got it! The Porsche that no one likes) on Africa and then from England to Vietnam in a V8. I recommend everyone to take a look of the awesome pictures. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Is this a forgotten April's Fool Joke?

From out of nowhere!
New ads for the Chevrolet Jolt are invading the social media platforms, with a promising affordable electric sport car under $35,000This looks like a bad April’s fool joke indeed. Thanks to who was able to confirm that this is a complete joke. I’m pretty sure that the person behind this has lots of time and motivation to create all this look real ads from Chevy. If you still dreaming of affordable electric sport cars maybe you can check out Tesla Motors and to be honest wait until you save the money in cash, maybe by that time Tesla will deliver the Model 3. To be honest! I the mean time I will stick around with the chustros for a while.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

2016 Corvette Racing Rolex 24 at Daytona

Puerto Rico joins as a Sub-Division of SCCA

Yesterday I received some good news from the facebook group: Revivamos El Circuito En Puerto Rico the group says that Puerto Rico will became part of SCCA again. As the post says: "Puerto Rico will be the new sport club region, under the representation of Caribbean Racing Series. Also the post claim that becoming a member will have the same benefits as the club gives to their members in US.